WR, 04.05.06 4:15pm
Kelelahan hati ini karena asa yang terlalu besar! Asa yang tak selalu dapat menjadi nyata. Ampuni aku yang selalu berharap lebih. Biarkan aku sejenak agar lepas dari penat ini, aku hanya ingin diam beberapa saat untuk dapat pulih kembali.
*Watching these 'masked', fake-smiled people walking in and out of Gudi's blog*
Ck,ck... people these days and their hidden-agendas. Only praise when they want to be praised back.
Gudi, hi! So how's life? It's been a while indeed. I see you're getting bored... with campus life perhaps? Sorry if I get too nosy. I'm sick of life too. Well, sh*t happens, girl. Just keep your sanity together, and this too will pass.
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